We are delighted you have chosen to visit The Galley of Lorne Inn. Having come through two years of lock-downs and restrictions imposed by the Government in order to keep the public and our team safe, we are thrilled to now be operating in a period of relaxed rules. The only current restriction we have in place is the requirement to wear a face covering when moving around indoors and this is due to be relaxed to “optional” status in the coming weeks.
Should Coronavirus restrictions ever be imposed in the future, the following is how we had adapted our business in 2020 & 2021 and we will be able to swiftly resurrect these measures if the need occurs to help stop any re-emerging virus strains spreading and to look out for the health of our guests, our team and our wider community.
We have produced our Covid-19 Charter which details how we are changing things to make your visit to The Galley of Lorne Inn safer and also what we need you to do to help us maintain our Covid-free status.
Whilst we are doing everything we can to keep The Galley of Lorne Inn Covid-free, please be aware that the contagious nature of covid-19 means that, although we have put in place preventative measures to reduce its spread, the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the virus is still present. We cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed to covid-19 and cannot accept any liability relating to this.
Read through our Covid Charter. You might want to pack a few items to use whilst you are here, such as:
– Your own face mask(s)/covering – it’s not mandatory for guests or customers to wear a face mask but if you wish to do so then please bring some with you.
– Disposable gloves if you wear them out and about.
– Hand sanitiser.
Please don’t travel to or visit The Galley of Lorne Inn if you have:
– A high temperature (37.8 degrees or higher).
– A new and continuous cough.
– Loss of taste or smell.
– Travelled from an area currently in lock-down.
Diners & Bar Patrons will be asked to complete contact information online to facilitate Track and Trace/ Test & Protect enquiries, if required.
– Staff temperature will be checked upon start of shift (without exception)
– Residents will be requested upon check in to allow us to take their temperature. We will be using a non contact infrared body thermometer. Temperature will be taken approx 1.5cms to 2cms away from the forehead above the centre of eyebrows. We will be operating this procedure as a mandatory requirement, but a resident still has the right to refuse to allow us to take your temperature. If so, it will be stated on your reservation form as it will be likely we will be audited by local authorities in order to verify that we are adhering to Government requirements and our policy.
– One way system throughout the building : Entrance only via reception. Exit only via public bar. Only exception to the entrance and exit procedure is for residents who are permitted to enter and exit through the reception throughout the day.
– Clear signage covering all aspects of regulations and direction throughout the building.
– Test and Protect procedure in place and tracking sheets utilised.
– Temperature gun available if required.
– Three hand sanitiser stations: at reception upon entrance, in the restaurant upon entrance and at the public bar upon entrance.
– Staff wear appropriate PPE.
– Staff wash their hands at least once an hour or as required if less than an hour.
– All door handles sanitised hourly.
– No glassware, cutlery, or condiments on table. All taken upon ordering or offered as requested.
– All tables sanitised immediately after use.
– Outside tables sanitised after use.
– Till is sanitised hourly.
– Card machines are sanitised after each use.
– Closed corridor from hotel kitchen onwards. No access for public. Staff only.
– Tables / seating are spaced 1m+ in public bar and lounge bar and 2m in the restaurant.
– No menus to hand. Menus are written on blackboards.
– Wine lists are set on a table to look at and not to be touched.
– No standing or sitting at bars, diners seated straight to table.
– Breakfast : all cereals, juices, teas, coffees, condiments all supplied by waitress, not self served by residents.
– Limit to two people in ladies toilets, one person in men’s toilet and one person in disabled toilet.
– Middle cubicle in ladies toilet is locked off to allow distancing.
– All internal doors are propped open to avoid contact.
– Hotel rooms sanitised daily.
– All soft furnishings removed from hotel rooms except curtains.
– All literature removed from hotel rooms.
– All literature and books removed from reception.
– All non essential items and decorations removed from around the building that can be touched.
Stick to all government guidelines and any procedures we and other local businesses have in place – we can help advise you on the requirements of immediate local businesses.
Wash your hands frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
Make use of the plentiful hand sanitiser stations.
Need to cough or sneeze? Catch it in a tissue and bin it.
Keep your distance from others.
Pay by contactless where you can.
If you develop any Covid-19 symptoms whilst staying with us on holiday, you need to:
– Inform Reception
– Contact NHS Direct by calling 111 and follow the guidance given.
– If you are contacted by Test & Protect/ to say that you may have come in contact with someone who has Covid-19, we ask that you follow the same procedure.
– If you are tested positive for Covid-19 we ask that you return home to self-isolate.